July 8th: Sanyu's Post

(The following was written and typed by Nakyeyune Sanyu, left with Elizabeth. Sanyu is a friend of Savior’s who came to visit with us at the hotel for the weekend. She was seven years old when her parents died and lived alone with her five sisters until the age of ten. She is currently twelve years old.)

I was .born in Rakai district. My father died in 1999. By that time I was in primary two
And my elder sister was in primary six.
My father died when my mother was prignant. After one month, my mother beared a baby girl. How joyful we were from sadness .
Three months past and my mother died. We were very sad because no one was going to pay for us school fees, buy for us food,
When my elder sister went in a bording school, I had to look after the baby and I had to go to school and when I come back I had to go and collect firewood. I had to cook food for the kids. But now Iam veryt happy because Iam in school and being sponsored by OUT SIDE THE DREAM.


kaloskagathos said...

She is so adorable!

Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Seibert,


Okay, first of all, I AM WAYY JEALOUS! Lol. Second of all, wow! what an amazing accomplishment. I am so happy for you. Please tell Savior I said Hi, and see if he got my letter to him! Enjoy the rest of your trip! I miss you very much!

Gianna Silvi

Oh, by the way, we are in the courier post from July 8th. There's a GREAT picture, and a long article (its in the B section, under EDUCATION). Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

ms. seibert,
im so happy that you finally met savior!! i think that doing this will truly make the world a better place, not only for savior, but for your family and friends, too. i hope you never lose faith in yourself or in the world, for that matter, because you are truly a special person.

all my faith and hope,
devon romano

Anonymous said...

Dear Gretchen,
I don't know if I can be more grateful than in this moment. One heart reaching out touching another heart and then another and another.... all hearts beat as one.
I am so happy to be sponsoring Sanyu. The gift of being able to sponsor her instantly touched the core of my being. She is an amazing young woman. Thank you for finding her.
I have been moved reading the articles written by Doug, Elizabeth and you. Love, Laurie

CALISA said...

Hi Gretchen, Doug/Birdman, and Elizabeth!
Gretchen- like David said, your words make us feel like we are there with you, taking in it all in. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This along with many other entries have brought tears to my eyes. The power behind both the stories, and all of your writing is just unbelieveable. You all are the most fabulous people- I am so proud to know all of you. I cannot stop reading.
-Kara McGonigle

Map of Uganda

Map of Uganda